Rea Maac
Extraordinary Woman
She was shipwrecked into a society
that tried to stitch her lips, snatched her voice,
But she knew she wasn't born
to keep her mouth shut,
She wasn't born to stay inside
the four corners of her room
She was born to shine,
to speak up
to walk on her chosen path
to enrich her talent that lies within
To follow her heart,
filled with compassion inside
So there she is, standing up!
A woman with a heart full of love
With patience she strives
Rearing other people's children
Showering them with love and care
Treated like her own
Full of hope
Homesickness she can cope
A woman, an inspiration
For her courage and determination
For keeping her head up high
Like a bird soaring in the sky
Being surrounded by people who sculpt her image
She was there, serving with passion
She was there, doing a good deed
Letting it shine over the horizon to be counted
and remembered in the society that punched her below the belt.
She is far from what they wanted her to be
She has her own capacity
She has her own standard of beauty
With her unending story
She is extraordinary.